Saturday, July 11, 2009

9 1/2 weeks!

So we've made it to 9 weeks! Yaay! I am feeling ok.. Tired a lot and still nauseous. The OB appontment went very well on Monday. He drew lots of blood and checked me out. Everything looked good to him. The doc was also in total agreement that reduction is the right thing to do. So, we've made an appointment for it and bought our plane tickets ( the doc is in NYC but sees patients in PA on mondays. we are flying to PA). I have a lot of mixed emotions about this. One part of me wants to just continue with the quad pregnancy while the other part of me knows how terribly risky it is to my life and the lives of the babies. I know in my mind that it is the right thing to do but it still makes me sad..

In related news, I have been looking at baby stuff. Holy cow, talk about overwhelming and expensive. Especially when I start to think about buying two of a lot of things! WOW! I'm wondering if there is anything I can get away with just buying one of?? Probably not. LOL. I am excited for my next OB appointment. He said last time that the next appointment we would talk about things like further prenatal testing, delivery, and fun stuff like that.. Yaay! I am curious to see where he would want me to deliver. He has privilages in two different hospitals. One is a community teaching hospital and the other is a private hospital. The teaching hospital has a level 3 NICU and the docs are up to date on all the new drugs and therapies for preemies (in case the twins need it). The private hospital also has a level 3 NICU and is also up to date on all the new things for preemies. So, it will be interesting to see which one he prefers. My choice would be the private hospital only because it is closer to my house.

Well, that is all for today. Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!


Megan said...

That's so awesome that all is going well. Wishing all the best in PA (If your heart says its right, its right) and praying for continued safety and joy for all of you!

Shannon said...

I cant believe you are 9 weeks (well 10 now) but how exciting!

I have told you before how I feel about your decision regarding the reduction. I am so proud of you for getting the facts and being so strong in the face of this tough decision.

I have done ALOT of research on baby stuff and I am always more than happy to share that info with you. I can tell you stuff about double strollers, car seats, etc and what items you need 2 of. Its actually not as overwhelming as you'd think, but its still alot.

For the hospital, Id say that if both have a Level III NICU, that is really important. I know I specifically switched to a hospital that had that (actually has the #2 NICU in the country) and since there is a fair chance that twins might need to use it, its a good thing to consider. I will be waiting to see which one you end up at!